Legal Information

Nothing in life is guaranteed, including your success on Amazon. As such, WE MAKE NO GUARANTEES, NEITHER EXPRESSED NOR IMPLIED, of how well you will do on Amazon or any other platform through which you may decide to operate.

We have had great Amazon successes and we have had big-time Amazon failures. We have friends who have built brands and sold them for 8 figures (before the decimal point), and we have friends who have purchased products in China and gone bust before their products even made it to the U.S. shore.

The information and tools we provide through this website and our various products and services are designed based on our combined experiences and cumulative knowledge. Things change quickly in life, and even quicker on Amazon. We have done everything in our power to provide accurate and up-to-date information, but it may or may not be accurate and current as of the time you read and/or apply it.

Ultimately, your success is up to YOU, and we believe that we can help you get there. You can cancel at any time, no hard feelings. We will still root for your success!

Mandy Payne, Amazon Sellers Club
