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How to Triple Your Online Sales

  • check-circle​​​​Describe the most important thing that your product does for your customers.
  • check-circleMention a benefit that only you offer and that your visitor can’t get from a competitor.
  • check-circleThese points won’t convince someone to buy right away, but you’ll get your visitor’s full attention.

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Now that You’ve Got their Attention, it’s Time to Talk About the Problem…

On this sales page, we’re not beating around the bush. Right at the top, there’s a product image and some points that set your product apart. However, even though this is a very product-focused page, keep in mind that people buy solutions, not products.

With that in mind, use this text section to describe the problem your ideal customer has. Some frustration that might arise from using a competing product, for example.

The most important point here is that you can relate to the problem that your visitor is trying to solve.

“Use a quote like this to add some visual variety to the text section – and to make an important point. The way the text is highlighted means it will get more attention than the regular paragraphs.”

How much time you want to spend on the pain points your visitor experiences depends on the product you’re selling. For this template, we’re going to transition from problems to solutions after just a short text section.

Buying the book will get this benefits:

First Benefit Title

Describe the 3 most important things your product offers, in this section. Don’t be afraid to repeat some or all of the points from the first section.

Second Benefit Title

This section uses a combination of images (icons), subheadings and short text descriptions to communicate 3 benefits in a way that’s easy to consume.

Third Benefit Title

When describing these 3 benefits, always keep a solution focus. Your visitors are interested in the end result they can get more than in features and technicalities.

“A testimonial like this can really boost sales…

“Adding testimonials for social proof is usually a good way to increase conversions. This is still early on in the page, so we’re just adding one short (but powerful) testimonial before moving on to some more sales material.”

– John Doe (Software Architect)

“A testimonial like this can really boost sales…

“Adding testimonials for social proof is usually a good way to increase conversions. This is still early on in the page, so we’re just adding one short (but powerful) testimonial before moving on to some more sales material.”

– John Doe (Software Architect)

“A testimonial like this can really boost sales…

“Adding testimonials for social proof is usually a good way to increase conversions. This is still early on in the page, so we’re just adding one short (but powerful) testimonial before moving on to some more sales material.”

– John Doe (Software Architect)

This Text Section is an Element You Can Repeat Several Times on Your Sales Page

“Another example of a quote used to highlight some text.”

Use this section to briefly describe a real example of how your product can lead to a specific result. Think of it as a mini case study, that adds an element of proof to the claims you make when talking about the features and benefits of your product.The text section consists of a subheading, some paragraphs of text and occasional text highlights. You can repeat these same elements multiple times, whenever you need a few paragraphs to explain a specific feature or go into more details about some aspect of your offer.

What Our Product Does for You:


Use these Sections for Your Product’s Features

“Large images add a tangible component to your product description.”

Each one of these sections consists of a subheading, some text, a large image and a button. These sections turn dull features into eye-catching highlights and they’re especially good for showing off screenshots from your product in action.

Stylish Zig-Zag Layout to Keep Visitors Engaged

We’ve listed these five points in a zig-zag layout, alternating the sides image and text are shown on. This is a good way to avoid visual monotony and keep the page interesting.

  • The same idea applies to your text elements – use paragraphs, highlights and bullet points to keep things interesting.
  • The two things to keep in mind are to get your important points across and to make your content easy to consume.

Background Images, Screenshots & More

The images used in this template are background images. The original size is 777x637px.The layout works very well with screenshots. This could be screenshots of your member’s area, your software app or even screenshots of pages in a downloadable PDF. Other kinds of images work as well, though.

What You’ll Get…

The purpose of this section is to make the product you’re offering as tangible as possible:

“Show Me Exactly What I’ll Get & I’ll Be More Likely to Buy It.”

Use an image to visualize your product. Even if it’s completely digital, the more you can relate your product to real world objects (books, electronic devices etc.) the more tangible it will seem.


Use this highlighted text section to describe your product and add a call to action: tell your visitor why they need to make the purchase right now.


Get Instant Access to Our Product!

Use this text and the above headline for a clear call to action along the lines of: click the button below to get instant access to


  • check-circleAnother “What You Get” Section
  • check-circleThis List Can be a Mix
  • check-circleOf Features/Benefits
  • check-circleAnd Parts of Your Product

All these now for just:

The above price comparison is an image. You can create a similar image of your own, or just use large text to show a price advantage that’s available here.

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